TEAMWORK ENGINEERING is a wholly Nigerian Company founded specifically to address the diverse needs of our clients in area of Civil Works such as; Shoreline and Coastal construction: Pilling, Retaining walls and Jetty developments. Roads, Drainage and Culvert. Industrial warehouse and buildings, Procurement & Project Management & other Engineering Services.
TEAMWORK ENGINEERING has acquired experience and expertise that ultimately produces services excellence based on leading and cutting edge technologies. The Company has adopted strategic approached of aligning itself with a number of other well-organized and successful corporate through Joint ventures and strategic alliance to implement projects in core business areas through consortia type arrangements when the situation arises.
We Have experience and highly qualify staff
Each of these Joints Ventures associated with Teamwork Engineering consists of a number of highly qualify and experience individuals. These individuals have a unique combination of backgrounds in infrastructure development and practical implementation experience in their fields of expertise. This unique combination enables us to implement the best available technology in a practical sense in a developing environment.
This profile is therefore intended to introduce you to the many capacities of TEAMWORK ENGINEERING in our core business area.
Mission & Vision Statements
Mission & Vision
We strive to grow our organization through investigating advances technologies, industrial changes and varying needs of our clients as our
industry evolves.
We will continually diversity our skills set to distinguish us from our competitors and foster loyal customers as we build infrastructure and
energy projects that improve the qualities of life in Nigeria.
We aspire to be a recognized leader in the construction industry committed to building infrastructure, power and industry projects across Nigeria and the neighboring Countries. We strive always to prove the highest value to our owners, customers and community with critical attention to safety, quality and services.
Our Engineers
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